Graphics and Forms
I created these graphics and forms when putting together the Owner’s Manual and overhauling the engine. Hopefully they may be useful to other fellow Pearson owners.
Pearson 33 Insignia
I re-created the Pearson 33 Insignia based on original documents. I used it when I put together the Owner’s Manual and, of course, this website. It was made it into a vector graphic using Adobe Illustrator, and the EMF (enhanced metafile) can be used in Word, Excel, and Powerpoint just like clipart.
Universal Atomic 4 Engine Nameplate
I created this graphic to make a new nameplate using Adobe Illustrator™, since the original was made of a thin foil material and could not be saved. I went to to have it printed on aluminum stock. The result was satisfactory, but the fine print did not have very high resolution. The EMF format can be manipulated using Microsoft Word™.
Cylinder Head Diagram and Engine Water Circulating System Forms
While replacing the cylinder head in 2018, I made a form using Adobe Illustrator™ and Acrobat™ to keep track of different stud sizes and conditions. I also documented the torque settings, if an insert was or epoxy was needed.
Also during the winter engine overhaul, I made a form to document the cooling water system. I modified the original drawing since it was inaccurate and made an "as built" version. I noted gaskets, hoses, and fittings that were replaced.
Contact me at the link below for any questions or help.